With ACORN so prevalent in the news in relation to the thousands upon thousands of phony election registration forms including multiples for the same people, even Mickey Mouse registration forms have been received, and Obama so directly connected with ACORN, I am appalled when I hear Obama supporters say, "Vote early, and vote often!"
Sheryl Underwood was on The View last Friday, 10/24/2008, and talked about the election. She is a Republican, and wore a beautiful suit in the color of, what she called, Republican Red. I fully expected to hear about why she is a Republican, voting for McCain/Palin. Oh, my, was I shocked when the words “but I’m voting for Obama” came out of her mouth! I dropped my teeth!!! Well, not really, but man, was I taken back, and sat speechless as she talked on and on in a comedic type routine. And there was Elisabeth Hasselbeck, strong Republican supporter of McCain and Palin, shaking her finger and her head at Sheryl in obvious disappointment and saying ‘shame on you’. But the most shocking comment Sheryl Underwood made was, “VOTE EARLY, AND VOTE OFTEN!”
WHAT!?!?!?! I'm seeing BIG RED FLAGS ALLLLL OVER THE PLACE!!!! How about you?
So, I researched the phrase. WOW! Did I find some interesting information on ‘vote early, and vote often’. Let’s take a look at the origin of this statement. Who said it first, second, third, and now we are hearing it among Obama supporters. http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~geoff/classes/hmc.cs070.200401/votequote.html
The cynical phrases "Vote early -- and often" and "Vote early -- and vote often" are variously attributed to three different Chicagoans: Al Capone, the famous gangster; Richard J. Daley, mayor from 1955 to 1976; and William Hale Thompson, mayor from 1915-1923 and 1931-1935. All three were notorious for their corruption and their manipulation of the democratic process. The expression had an eerie quality to it, especially considering that Al Capone, who apparently had Thompson on his payroll, repeated it as a mantra. On Election Day, so the story goes, scores of Chicagoans–including the deceased–were given countless opportunities to cast their ballots. Needless to say, Big Bill got his hands on the prize, inaugurating the most corrupt administration the city has ever seen. Untroubled by such illustrious forerunners another infamous boss of Chicago politics, the Democrat Richard Daley used the phrase, once again, in the 1950s and 1960s as he ran one of the most well-oiled and hardiest political machines of all times.
Although “vote early and often” is usually associated with Chicago politics, its roots go back to the pre-Civil War period. In 1854, a group of pro-slavery settlers from Missouri called the Border Ruffians crossed into Kansas territory on election day to “vote early and often” on behalf of Kansas for slavery. It worked. http://theinfluencers.org/en/news/new-york-vote-early-vote-often-call-proposals
The history of this country is filled with accounts of dirty little tricks on how to fix an election. And now, two centuries later, we hear it again.
I see some things in common with Obama here, let’s see; Chicago, associations with individuals that are known for their forceful tactics, illegal and terrorist activities, and deceitful voting techniques. And, ACORN has taken ‘vote early, and vote often’ to a whole new level, boasting a record 1.3 million low-income minority and young voters registered to vote across the country thanks to their efforts. ACORN is publicly supporting the ‘Community Organizer’, Obama! Watch this clip where Bertha Lewis, Chief Organizer of ACORN boasts the support for Obama. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfUEPeO2_pc. I’m sorry, but I’ve heard this woman interviewed and she was completely unbelievable.
ACORN was faced dead by CNN regarding some 5,000 registration forms the Registrar’s office received the last few days before the deadline for voter registration. Out of the 5,000 forms received the first 2,100 having been checked, there was not one that was valid! Every single one was a phony, and worse some were for individuals that were deceased! There were a number of them that were completed by the same person, creating fictitious persons using addresses of businesses, based on the hand writing and signature. They had made up fictitious names and put them with addresses that they pulled from the phone book, all submitted as actual, authentic registration forms. Brian Mellor, ACORN’s attorney was interviewed but couldn’t answer how that many could be just all in a day’s work and the risk you take when hiring people, claiming that they terminated individuals if they are caught in such activities. See this clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRhrT22BsIY&NR=1.
Other underhanded tactics used, as heard on talk radio recently involved the state of Massachusetts during the Primaries where Hillary Clinton had three bus loads of individuals brought to the Primary polls who lived in other states but were merely looking at housing in Massachusetts. They were also voting in their home state. Evidently Massachusetts has a law that considers potential property owners as eligible voters.
I noticed on a site that leaned heavily toward the left, ‘Tips on Voting’ and was shocked to see that many states will accept a utility bill or a paycheck as a valid form of ID. Most acceptable IDs can range from a driver’s license, a student or work ID, a social security card and so on. The public is encouraged to ‘make sure your ID is straight’. How is a utility bill or even a paycheck considered valid ID? Show me a valid state-issued picture driver’s license or ID!
So many things are so corrupt with this election; it makes me ill and scares me to death. It is critical that it is impressed upon the citizens of this ‘Great Nation’ of ours the importance of this election, and to remember that "Hitler was elected too!"
I just want to close with the following link, a new song just recorded.
http://kevinspencerandfriends.com/. God Bless America, Again!
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